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Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters

Man and Woman, One in Christ, by Philip Payne. Also see  NT essays by Payne, available for free download.

Why Can't Women Do That?

Why Can't Women Do That, by Philip Payne and Vince Haffaker.


Easily Add Runes To Any Document!

Designed for Windows for Windows

Designed for Macintosh for Macintosh

What are others saying about these fonts? What are others saying?

TransRunic for Windows

TransRunic for Windows

TrueType® and Type-1 font including runes for Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Kylver, Vadstena, Breza, and Danish runes, and Swedo-Norwegian (short-twig) runes.


Cost: US$ 99.95 Order

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.

See below for Samples.

TransRunic for Macintosh

TransRunic for Macintosh

TrueType® and Type-1 TransRunic plain font. TransRunic includes runes for Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Kylver, Vadstena, Breza, and Danish runes, and Swedo-Norwegian (short-twig) runes.


Cost: US$ 99.95 Order

See below for Samples.

TransRunic Samples

TransRunic Samples

Germanic rune-row (Futhark)

TransRunic font sample showing Germanic rune-row (Futhark)

Anglo-Saxon Futhark

TransRunic font sample showing Anglo-Saxon Futhark

Futhark of Kylver

TransRunic font sample showing Futhark of Kylver

Futhark of Vadstena

TransRunic font sample showing Futhark of Vadstena

Futhark of Breza

TransRunic font sample showing Futhark of Breza

Danish Runes (Younger Futhark)

TransRunic font sample showing Danish Runes (Younger Futhark)

Swedo-Norwegian (Short-Twig)

TransRunic font sample showing Swedo-Norwegian (Short-Twig)

Inscription from the Staby, Blekinge rune-stone—perhaps the oldest surviving Danish memorial stone.

TransRunic font sample showing the Inscription from the Staby, Bledinge rune-stone.



Here's what others are saying about TransRunic Here's what others are saying about TransRunic:

"I have used a lot of different fonts, both for Macintosh and Windows, during last 25 years, and - as far as linguistic fonts are concerned - I have not found better fonts than yours. As a matter of fact, I have to say that both your Windows and Mac TransRunic fonts are excellent."
Prof. Dr. Ljubisa Rajic, Department of Scandinavian Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Beograd,Serbia

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