
See what our customers say about our products and servicesSee what our customers say about our products and services.


Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters

Man and Woman, One in Christ, by Philip Payne. Also see  NT essays by Payne, available for free download.

Why Can't Women Do That?

Why Can't Women Do That, by Philip Payne and Vince Haffaker.

Scholar's Packages in Unicode

Scholar's Packages in Unicode—Multiple Unicode-Encoded Tools For Bible Scholars At Reduced Price

for Windows

for Macintosh

We have assembled some wonderful packages of Unicode-encoded fonts and Unicode-arranged texts for Bible scholars that provide multiple tools for research and study of the Bible at a greatly reduced price over the cost of the individual programs. See if one of these combinations is just right for you. (All prices are US$.)

The following packages include Unicode-encoded fonts and corresponding Greek and Hebrew texts. Similar scholar's packages are available containing non-Unicode encoded fonts and corresponding Greek, Hebrew and transliterated texts for use in software programs that do not support the Unicode Standard. We strongly recommend the following Unicode-encoded products unless you must use the non-Unicoded fonts for compatibility with software or other users.

Scholar's Packages in Unicode for Windows

Scholar's Packages in Unicode for Windows

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.
Be sure to read the System Requirements for each of the above products on the individual product pages.
(The Scholar's Package in Unicode for Windows requires 6 Shipping or 1 Download Units

On the Order Form, under Windows Products, select Scholar's Package (Unicode), with your choice of Bible texts.

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.
Be sure to read the System Requirements for each of the above products on the individual product pages.
(The LaserScholar's Package in Unicode requires 8 Shipping or 1 Download Units.)

On the Order Form, under Windows Products, select LaserScholar's Package (Unicode), with your choice of Bible texts.

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.
Be sure to read the System Requirements for each of the above products on the individual product pages.

On the Order Form, under Windows Products, select LaserScholar's Package Pro (non-Unicode), with your choice of Bible texts.

Also available when purchased with LaserScholar's Package Pro in Unicode for Windows:

To add any of the above to LaserScholar's Package Pro in Unicode for Windows select "LaserScholar's Package Pro (Unicode) (with <choice of Bible>)" on the Order Form, and then in the Special Instructions text box at the bottom of the Order Form tell us which of these add-ons you want.

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.
Be sure to read the System Requirements for each of the above products on the individual product pages.
(The LaserScholar's Package Pro in Unicode for Windows requires 9 Shipping or 1 Download Units.)

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Scholar's Packages in Unicode for Macintosh

Scholar's Packages in Unicode for Macintosh

Be sure to read the System Requirements for each of the above products on the individual product pages. For example, Hebrew Scriptures in Unicode for Macintosh requires use of the Mellel word processor.
(The Scholar's Package in Unicode requires 2 Shipping or 1 Download Units.)

On the Order Form, under Macintosh Products, select Scholar's Package (Unicode), with your choice of Bible texts.

Be sure to read the System Requirements for each of the above products on the individual product pages. For example, LaserHebrew Pro in Unicode for Macintosh requires use of an application like Microsoft Word 2011 or higher or Mellel.
(The LaserScholar's Package in Unicode for Macintosh requires 2 Shipping or 1 Download Units.)

On the Order Form, under Macintosh Products, select LaserScholar's Package (Unicode), with your choice of Bible texts.

On the Order Form, under Macintosh Products, select LaserScholar's Package Pro (non-Unicode), with your choice of Bible texts.

Also available when purchased with LaserScholar's Package Pro in Unicode for Macintosh:

To add any of the above to LaserScholar's Package Pro in Unicode for Macintosh select "LaserScholar's Package Pro (Unicode) (with <choice of Bible>) for OS X" on the Order Form, and then in the Special Instructions text box at the bottom of the Order Form tell us which of these add-ons you want.

Be sure to read the System Requirements for each of the above products on the individual product pages. For example, LaserHebrew Pro in Unicode for Macintosh requires use of the Mellel word processor.
(The LaserScholar's Package Pro in Unicode for Macintosh requires 2 Shipping or 1 Download Units.)

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