
See what our customers say about our products and servicesSee what our customers say about our products and services.


Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters

Man and Woman, One in Christ, by Philip Payne. Also see  NT essays by Payne, available for free download.

Why Can't Women Do That?

Why Can't Women Do That, by Philip Payne and Vince Haffaker.


Type Burmese in Any Program!

for Windows

for Macintosh

What are others saying about these fonts? What are others saying?

Now you can easily add Burmese or Myanmarese text to any document. LaserBurmese is available for both Windows and Macintosh.

LaserBurmese for Windows

LaserBurmese for Windows

TrueType and Type 1 Burmese fonts in plain, bold, italic, and bold-italic styles containing the complete Burmese or Myanmarese character set used in Burma (or Myanmar). Includes User's Manual, Keyboard Layout Chart(s), ANSI Tables, and keycap sticker sheet.


Cost: US$ 99.95 Order

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.

See below for Samples.

LaserBurmese for Macintosh

LaserBurmese for Macintosh

TrueType and Type 1 plain, bold, italic, and bold-italic Burmese font and corresponding bitmap fonts in 12, 14, 18, 24, 46 & 48 point sizes. LaserBurmese contains the entire set of current Burmese characters, including overstrike vowels and diacritical marks which can be placed over or under any letter and in any combination.


Cost: US$ 99.95 Order

See below for Samples.

LaserBurmese Samples

LaserBurmese Samples

LaserBurmese font sample


LaserBurmese font sample (plain style)


LaserBurmese font sample (bold style)


LaserBurmese font sample (italic style)


LaserBurmese font sample (bold-italic style)


LaserBurmese font sample

LaserBurmese font sample



Here's what others are saying about LaserBurmese Here's what others are saying about LaserBurmese:

"I am glad to have your Burmese. I am pleased to say that your quality fonts have been a great help to me for many years. Your fonts are much easier to use [than your competitors']. I can look up unidentified characters much more easily using your fonts. You manage to place so many languages on the computer in such a readable and relatively effortless manner. I feel grateful that fate brought me in touch with you. Thanks again for dealing with the problems so promptly. With best wishes for the continued success of your work."
Husein Rofé, Polyglot Translations, Singapore; Brighton, England; Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii

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