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Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters

Man and Woman, One in Christ, by Philip Payne. Also see  NT essays by Payne, available for free download.

Why Can't Women Do That?

Why Can't Women Do That, by Philip Payne and Vince Haffaker.

Greek Epigraphy

Now Add The Greek Epigraphic Alphabet To Your Greek Documents!

for Windows

for Macintosh

What others are saying What others are saying

The Greek Epigraphy fonts contain the Greek epigraphic alphabet, a complete set of standard Greek epigraphical characters, plus many specialized character shapes used in Greek epigraphy. This includes overdots and underdots used in textual analysis and various positions of overbars for typing abbreviations and Nomina Sacra. The fonts can be used in any text processor to add the specialized characters you need in your scholarly work. The Windows and Macintosh versions of the fonts are ASCII-compatible with each other, allowing easy file transfer between Windows and Macintosh platforms.

Greek Epigraphy includes three fonts:

  • bulletIKonyaLS, containing the basic Greek epigraphical alphabet and some of the specialized character shapes used in Greek epigraphy;
  • bulletEpigraphyLSA, containing many of the specialized character shapes used in Greek epigraphy; and
  • bulletEpigraphyLSB, containing additional specialized character shapes used in Greek epigraphy.

These fonts are a perfect complement to the beautiful fonts provided in our LaserGreek, LaserGreek II, and LaserGreek in Unicode font products, allowing you to easily add the epigraphic alphabet to any document.

Greek Epigraphy Samples

Greek Epigraphy Samples

Alphabetic Symbols

The Alphabetic Symbols included in the Greek Epigraphy fonts



Number Related Symbols

Number Related Symbols in the Greek Epigraphy fonts

Miscellaneous Symbols

Miscellaneous Epigraphical Symbols in the Greek Epigraphy fonts

Underdots and Overdots

This sample shows the underdots and overdots in the Greek Epigraphy fonts.

Overbars and Underbars for Nomina Sacra

Overbars and Underbars for Nomina Sacra

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Greek Epigraphy for Windows

Greek Epigraphy for Windows

Easily type the complete set of standard Greek epigraphical characters, plus many specialized character shapes used in Greek epigraphy, in any Windows text processor.

Windows System Requirements

  • bulletOperating Systems: Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/2000SP3
  • bulletApplications: Any word processor or text editor

Cost: US$ 99.95, or $50 when purchased together with LaserGreek, LaserGreek II, or LaserGreek in Unicode. Order

Do you need to upgrade? Check the current version number and a Release History.

Greek Epigraphy for Macintosh

Greek Epigraphy for Macintosh

Easily type the complete set of standard Greek epigraphical characters, plus many specialized character shapes used in Greek epigraphy, in any Macintosh text processor, using the US keyboard layout.


Cost: US$ 99.95, or $50 when purchased together with LaserGreek, LaserGreek II, or LaserGreek in Unicode  Order

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Here's what others are saying about Greek Epigraphy Here's what others are saying about Greek Epigraphy:

"Thank you for the wonderful fonts! I have just been trying them out and they are beautiful. It is going to make work so much easier. And the instructions documents are very helpful. Thank you wholeheartedly!"
Christopher Haddad, Macquarie University, Australia

"I found the Epigraphy font extremely useful - and will be using it again for an article on Eleusis. I was particularly pleased to find the epigraphic sign for a drachma (like a sideways T)."
David Gill, Department of Classics & Ancient History, University of Wales, Swansea, United Kingdom

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